Firmware MQTT Sync External sensor REST API Trobleshooting

Note :

Interface in firmware is optimized for 4.2' displays with 400x300 resolution, implementation of support for other resolutions is possible, but requires optimization of interface and writing a driver for a specific display.

The firmware is partially compatible with 1.5' displays - the interface output adapted for 200x200 resolution is implemented, you can output your own graphics, but such displays were not in priority and smaller versions of widgets & fonts suitable for the screen resolution were not ready yet. (default interface example)

see also List of supported displays

Short instruction

Setting Up the Development Environment (IDE)

To flash the firmware, you need to install Microsoft Visual Studio and the Platform IO extension.

Setting Up the Environment

Configuration, Compilation, and Uploading Firmware

For initial testing, you can upload the firmware without connecting external modules (display, temperature sensor). See the assembly diagram for connecting the display and other options.

This is an optional integration setup. In this section, you will find information on how to connect the weather station to the smart home system so that it transmits its data from the BME280 sensor. It is assumed that you already have a server set up with an MQTT broker and a smart home control system - Domoticz or Home Assistant.

Sending weather station sensor data to Home Assistant

  • Open the Home Assistant control panel (usually accessible at http://[server address]:8123)
  • Navigate to "Settings" -> "Devices & Services" (config/integrations/dashboard)
  • If there is no integration with the MQTT broker, you need to set it up first through "Add Integration" -> MQTT
  • In the integration settings, the option "Enable newly added entities (Home Assistant will automatically detect new devices...)" should be activated for automatic device detection
  • Go to the web interface page of the weather station - MQTT server -> click "Default options for Home Assistant". Override the Device id and Device name if necessary (try to keep the same length of names and IDs as the ability to send long strings is limited)
  • Specify the address and port of the MQTT broker (by default login and password are not required, port is 1883)
  • Click "Save changes" -> "Device control" -> "Reboot"
  • After the reboot, if there were no errors, the MQTT status should change to "connected", and a new device should be added to the Home Assistant control panel in the list of MQTT devices according to the Device Name

Sending weather station sensor data to Domoticz

  • Open the Domoticz control panel (usually accessible at http://[server address]:8080)
  • Navigate to "Setup" -> "Hardware"
  • If there is no "device" in the hardware list with the type "MQTT Client Gateway", you need to add it first (device creates connection between MQTT broker and Domoticz).
  • Check that settings match your configuration, when adding "MQTT Client Gateway". Usually if Domoticz and the MQTT broker installed on the same server default settings with localhost IP will be correct.
  • If there is no device in the hardware list with the type "Dummy (Does nothing ...)", add it as well.
  • After adding the "Dummy" device, click "Create Virtual Sensors"
  • Add three virtual sensors with the sensor types "Temperature + Humidity + Barometer", "Temperature + Humidity", "Temperature"
  • Write down their identifiers (Idx) from the page - "Setup" -> "Devices"
  • Go to the web interface page of the weather station - MQTT server -> click "Default options for Domoticz"
  • Enter the identifiers in order, separated by commas, in the "Device Ids (T&H&B, T&H, T)" field according to the type (1 - "Temperature + Humidity + Barometer", 2 - "Temperature + Humidity", 3 - "Temperature")
  • Specify the address and port of the MQTT broker (usually, by default, login and password are not required, and the port is 1883)
  • Click "Save Changes" -> "Device Management" -> "Reboot"
  • After the reboot, if there were no errors, the MQTT status should change to "connected", and the Domoticz control panel will start receiving data from the weather station and its sensors

Reading weather data from the OpenWeather service via API 2.5

  • Available from firmware version >= 0.92
  • Create an account on the OpenWeather service
  • Go to the "Maps" section and find the desired location
  • Click on the location closest to your desired spot and copy the string like "lat=23.5556&lon=33.2797"
  • After register new account - it can be activated only after few hours, so API can be unavailable during this time - information from OpenWeather
  • Go to the API keys section in your account and copy the access key
  • Insert the access key and location coordinates into the URL string[coordinates]&APPID=[key]&units=metric. The resulting URL should look like
  • Go to the web interface page of the weather station - "External sensor (Domoticz & Home Assistant)"
  • Copy the resulting URL into the "URL address" field
  • Leave the "Login" and "Password or Token" fields empty
  • Click "Save changes" -> "Device management" -> "Reboot" or "Device management" -> "Refresh screen"
  • After rebooting, if everything went well, the status of "External sensor" should change to "connected," and the date of the last successful data sync will be displayed. If something went wrong, an error will be visible in the notifications block and logs.

Read external sensor data from Home Assistant on weather station

  • Open the Home Assistant control panel (usually accessible at http://[server address]:8123)
  • Go to the "Settings" -> "Devices & Services" section (config/integrations/dashboard)
  • Click on "Devices" under the "MQTT" integration
  • Find the desired sensor in the list of devices
  • Go to its configuration page, click on the sensor block. In the opened popup, click the gear icon in the top-right corner
  • In the opened editing form, find the "Object ID" of the form sensor.0xa4c1387jbj1a5dfgd1b_temperature
  • If you do not have an authorization token for remote connections to Home Assistant, go to your account page in HA -> "Security" (/profile/security) and add a new token in the "Long-Lived Access Tokens" section and save the received key
  • Go to the weather station web interface page - "External Sensor (Domoticz & Home Assistant)"
  • Enter the URL address as follows
    http://[IP or server domain]:8123/api/states/[Object ID]
  • Leave the "Login" field empty, and in the "Password or Token" field, enter the "Long-Lived Access Token"
  • Click "Save Changes" -> "Manage Device" -> "Restart"
  • After the restart, if everything went successfully, the "External Sensor" status should change to "connected" and the date of the last successful data synchronization will be shown. If something failed, an error will be visible in the notifications and logs

Read external sensor data from Domoticz on weather station

  • Open the Domoticz control panel (usually accessible at http://[server address]:8080)
  • Go to the "Setup" -> "Devices" section
  • Find the desired temperature sensor and note the [Device ID] in the Idx field
  • Add a user for reading sensor data in the "Settings" -> "Users" section (set its rights to "Viewer")
  • Go to the weather station web interface page - "External Sensor (Domoticz & Home Assistant)"
  • Enter the URL address as follows
    http://[IP or server domain]:8080/json.htm?type=devices&rid=[Device ID]
  • In the "Login" and "Password or Token" fields, enter the credentials according to the user created in Domoticz
  • Click "Save Changes" -> "Manage Device" -> "Restart"
  • After the restart, if everything went successfully, the "External Sensor" status should change to "connected" and the date of the last successful data synchronization will be shown. If something failed, an error will be visible in the notifications and logs

Available REST API Methods

All requests should be made relative to the root URL path

Example request: Rebooting the device

// If you are running the code from a browser, to avoid CORS execution errors,
// you need to execute the code from the device's web interface page.

var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("reboot", '1');

fetch("", {method: 'POST', responseType: 'json', body: formData}).then(function(response) { console.log(response); });

Change the Image by Saved Style Name

GET /api/cui/select?filename=fairy

Response {"status":"fail","error":"name not specified"} or {"status":"ok"}

If the response includes reboot_required = true, to initiate a reboot perform
http://[device address]/api/update (GET) or http://[device address]/api/reboot?reboot=1 (POST)

Pause & Clear Screen

GET /api/clear

Clears the screen and pauses all events (partial and full screen auto-update) until the screen is manually refreshed through the control panel or until a full reboot

Response {"status":"no"} or {"status":"ok"}

Update the Screen

GET /api/update

Response {"status":"no"} or {"status":"ok"}

Reboot the Device

POST /api/reboot?reboot=1

Response {"status":"no"} or {"status":"ok"}

Clear Custom Styles Memory

POST /api/cui/format?confirm-format=1

Response {"status":"fail"} or {"status":"ok"}

Reset System Settings

POST /api/reset?reset=1&reset-wifi=1

Response {"status":"no"} or {"status":"ok"}

Clear EEPROM Memory (Factory Reset)

POST /api/clearrom?confirm-clear=1

Completely clears the EEPROM memory (where all settings and WiFi authorization data are stored) and replaces the data with zero values.

Response {"status":"fail"} or {"status":"ok"}

Partial update clock area

POST /api/partialtest

Force partial update

Response {"status":"fail"} or {"status":"ok"}

ESP8266 does not come out of sleep mode

Some unofficial clones of D1 Mini boards may have the same problem. Check beforehand if pin D0 is correctly connected to the RST pin (for correct re-flashing it should be connected via a 510 ohm resistor, but for sleep mode tests just a jumper is enough).

The firmware provides several sleep modes for "cheap clones" case, different wakeup methods are defined in the UserDefines.h file by the FIX_DEEPSLEEP parameter. (if the parameter is not present, download the actual firmware from the main project branch at GitHub)

Try setting the FIX_DEEPSLEEP parameter to 1 or 2 and check again. If the problem persists, the microcontroller is probably damaged or has more serious problems

Wrong date & time

By default weather station trying to sync time by NTP server. Device must be connected to WiFi hotspot with internet connections allowed.

If you sure that there is no any problem with internet connection, try to reboot device to reinit connection, or change NTP server in settings on any other

To reinit time without restart you can use this option (then after information about command successfull executed -> "Screen controll" -> "Refresh screen")

If you dont have internet connection, you can set time manually, by setting up "Date & Time" setting in "General options". Optionaly remove "Timezone" option to exclude additions time correction

Unable to upload firmware

Relevant for ESP8266

Relevant for ESP32

Display shows nothing

If you are sure that the correct display type is selected in UserDefines.h (there are basically two options - displays with the SSD1683 prefix or UC8176 - no output will occur if the controller is incorrectly specified), it is likely that the pins are not connected correctly or there is a contact issue somewhere. Double-check that all pins are connected properly. If you are not sure if the ESP board itself is functional, try connecting display to another ESP board. You can check the functionality of the ESP or individual pins by writing a simple sketch implementing a button or LED blinking. But usually, if the ESP board is defective, problems would start during the flashing phase (either flashing intermittently or not at all). My issues were typically resolved by double-checking all pins and running some minimal examples from the manufacturer to confirm that the error was not in my code.

Display outputs information intermittently or adds unpredictable noise / artifacts

The contact for the BUSY pin might be faulty, or its defined wrong in UserDefines.h -> EPD_BUSY_PIN (e.g., it could be swapped with EPD_RST_PIN).

Display does not work in partial screen update mode

The manufacturer usually specifies whether this mode of operation is supported. Even if the display controller supports partial updates, it may not work if the board manufacturer does not claim it. Check examples provided by the manufacturer to see if there are methods for partial output.

ESP goes into infinite reboot loop after flashing firmware

If the issue persists consistently and no additional factors other than the connected display affect it and a complete power-off does not help, check which pin is causing this behavior and try reassigning what is connected to it to another pin.

I have tried using remaining pins, for example, for switches, and this led to similar issues since ESP8266 only has a few GPIO pins that are safe: GPIO14, GPIO12, GPIO13, GPIO4, GPIO5; all other pins should not be in a certain logical state at startup.

The pinout for connecting the display has been chosen to avoid disrupting the ESP's operation and it did not cause me problems when connecting different displays. However, it may not suit you if you find that the issue is specifically with the display connection (e.g., if a new, untested screen is used that outputs different signals).

Here is also an alternative pinout that I used earlier with pin D4 through a resistor. The device sometimes could hang after flashing and restarting via UART with different displays, but in normal operation, everything worked without problems.

#define EPD_BUSY_PIN 2 // D4 - GPIO - 2 (+20kΩ resistor to VCC) or optionally D8 - GPIO - 15 (if CS pin is free - connected to GND - always in SLAVE mode)
#define EPD_RST_PIN 12 // D6 - GPIO - 12 (MISO)
#define EPD_DC_PIN 0 // D3 - GPIO - 0
#define EPD_CS_PIN -1 // GND (-1)

ESP Randomly Does Not Exit Deep Sleep

This happened with one ESP controller, it might have been defective, but after replacing the ESP board with another, the problem disappeared. In case ESP8266 you can also try to select different wakeup method in the UserDefines.h file by changing the FIX_DEEPSLEEP parameter.